

정성연 2014. 11. 11. 10:56

교실 영어 수업 장면별 예시



1. Greetings (인사)


Good morning, class.


How are you today?


How are you doing?


How are things with you?


Did you have a good weekend?


Let me introduce myself.


Please call me Ms. Park.


• I’ll your English teacher.


• I’ll be teaching you English this year.



2. Checking Attendance (출석 점검)


Who is not here today?


No one is absent?


Let’s see who is absent.


Let’s see if everyone is here.


Does anyone know where she is?



3. Physical Conditions in the


Classroom (교실 환경 조성)


Let’s have the door open a bit.


• Could you open the door a little bit?


Can somebody turn the heater off?


It’s noisy in here.


Shut those windows please.


It’s too dark in here.


Would you turn the light on?


Please be quiet.



4. Blackboard Cleaning (칠판 지우기)


Can someone clean the board?


Can you clean the board?


Just clean this part.


Erase everything.



5. Grouping and Seating (모둠 정


하기와 자리 배열하기)


Let’s sit in groups of four.


Could you get into groups of four?


• Find a partner. Practice the dialog with your partner.


Move your desks this way.


Could you move back a little?


Would you move your desks back?



6. Finding a Page (페이지 찾기)


We are on page 10 now.


It’s on page 10.


Did you find page 10?


Are you with me?


Turn the page.


Next page, please.


Let’s move on to the next page.



7. Locating Things on the Page


(페이지에서 위치 찾기)


Did you find the place?


It’s in the middle of the page.


Three lines down/up.


It’s on the right.



8. Exercises (연습 문제)


Do excercise 7.


Try exercise 6.


I want you to do exercise 6.


I’ll give you 10 minutes.


Time is up.


How many did you get right?


What is the answer to question number 1?


Let’s go on to question 2.


What do you have for question 1?


Let’s go through this exercise.


Let’s check the answers.


Check your answers on page 10.


The answers are on page 10.


Change papers with your neighbor.


Count up your points.


What’s your score?


How many points did you get?



9. CD and Other Electrical


Equipment (CD와 전기 기구의 사용)


Listen to the CD.


Listen and repeat after the CD.


Listen carefully, please.


Let’s listen to the dialog.


Is the sound clear (enough)?


Is it better now?


Can you hear it at the back?



10. Blackboard Activity (칠판 활동)


Who hasn’t been up to the board yet?


Here is a piece of chalk.


We’re run out of chalk.


Would you go and look for some chalk?


Go and fetch some chalk.



11. Using Visual Aids (시각적 도구


의 사용)


How about watching it with no sound?


This time, I’ll cover the screen.


What’s Minhee like?


If you were Minhee, what would you do?


Here is another picture.



12. Comprehension Check (이해




Do you see what I mean?


Do you think you’e got it now?


Does this make sense to you?


How does that sound to you?


Can you say it?


Does everyone know what to do?


Do you want me to explain it again?


Is anyone having trouble?


Am I speaking too fast?


Shall I speak a little more slowly?



13. Learning Content (내용 학습)


Let’s learn some words.


Who knows what this word means?


What do you call this in English?


How do you spell ‘e-mail?'


What am I drawing?


Can anyone read this sentence?


Who can read next?


I'll read once more.


Let's read the text aloud.


Read the sentence aloud.


Let’s read the text together.


Start reading from line 3.


We’e going to read it by taking turns.


Read one sentence each.


Let’s take turns reading.


One after the other, please.


That’s enough, thank you.


Let’s look up the new words first.


Read the second line from the top.


Come up and write the words on the board.


Be ready to write.


I’ll give you a clue.


I’ll give you another example.


Watch me and I'll show you.



14. Classroom Control & Discipline (교실 통제와 규율)


Calm down now.


Would you please keep it down?


Pay attention, please.


Can I have your attention, please?


Look straight in front of you.


Look on your right.


Eyes to the front.


Turn this way.


Turn around and face me.


Turn and face the left side.


Sit up straight, please.


Sit up straight and look at me.


Sit up straight and put your hands on your heads.


Don’t lean back.


Don’t lean over your desk.


I’ve already asked you to stop. I won’t tell you again.


Nobody move.


Leave it where it is.


Put it away.


Like this, not like that.


You must be more careful next time.


Watch your step.


Get back to your seat!



15. Games & Activities (게임과 활동)


Let me demonstrate.


Do you like this game?


I shall be the referee.


The first one to answer gets a point.


How many points did you get?


Clap your hands five times.


Try to do it exactly the same way.



16. Songs and Chants (노래와 챈트)


Just listen. Don’t say anything.


Now you sing with me.


Sing along with me.


Let’s chant.


Listen and watch carefully.


Let me play the piano.


Who wants to sing with me?



17. Acting out (시연)


Let me tell you how to do this.


Each group make a family.


You two pretend that you are actors.


Act as if you are a real mother.


I’ll divide you into two teams.


Act out your feelings to your group.


You have to mime the action.



18. Collecting (과제 수집)


Will you collect the flash cards, please?


Have you all turned in your assignment?


Will you please hand it in now?


Pass the sheets to the front.


Hand in your homework as you leave.


Please write your name on your work.



19. Tests (시험)


We’ll have a listening test next week.


There will be a test on this lesson this Friday.


I shall give you a test on this lesson next week.


I will give you a vocabulary test.


Pens down, everyone.


Put your pencils down.



20. Student Presentations (학생 발표)


Who hasn’t been up to the front yet?


Min-su, please come up to the front.


Are you ready to present your story?


Who would like to go first?


I want you to go in alphabetical order.



21. Translation and Interpretation (번역과 해석)


What is it? Say it in Korean.


In English, we say ‘fish.’


Tell me in Korean.


Ask and answer in English, please.


Try it in English.


22. Assigning Homework (숙제 내주기)


For your homework, make a story.


Finish off this exercise at home.


Please review what we’e learned in class.


I’m not going to give you any homework this time.



23. Saying Good-bye (끝인사)


I’ll see you next Tuesday.


See you soon.


Enjoy your weekend.


I hope you all have a great weekend.